
She then mentioned

 in as few words as possible the circumstance of Lawson having spoken to her—of her great anxiety about George—and of her having walked back with the young medical student from her home on the previous evening.

Dorothy looked very grave while Effie was speaking reenex facial.

"It is unfortunate," she said. "This is just the sort of thing that injures a girl at the commencement of her hospital life."

"But it is so ridiculous and unjust," said Effie. "What in the world can Mr. Lawson be to me?"

"Oh, nothing, of course, my dear," replied Dorothy. "But still the rules cannot be too strict on this point. You know I am not a prude, but all girls are not like you, Effie; and, in short, Sister137 Kate is in the right. Someone must have seen you walking back with Mr. Lawson, and must have told her, or hinted, at least, at the state of the case. Nothing else would have induced her to question you."

"She had no right to speak to me about acquaintances that I meet out of the hospital."

"Strictly speaking, she has no right; that's why I say she must have got a hint."

"Oh, well, never mind her," said Effie. "I won't speak to Mr. Lawson again, unless I meet him out of doors, where I can, and shall, whatever Sister Kate may say."

"Effie, you must be careful."

"I don't want to think of myself at all. Can't you see how miserable I am about my mother and about George?"

"Yes; it is a most wretched business. I am more sorry for you than I can say dermes."

"Oh, I wish something could be done," said Effie. "I feel tired and fettered here—I feel almost wild. I cannot devote myself to my necessary duties."

"Poor child," said Dorothy in her caressing voice. "Let me think: I must help you in some way. Suppose I go to-day to see your mother? I had a chance of having the whole afternoon to myself, but, as I had nowhere in particular to go, was determining not to avail myself of it, but now I can be of use to you."

"Oh, Dorothy! would you really go to see mother? It will be of the greatest possible use. You have such tact—you can say things that no one else would venture to say; and then if only you could see George!"

"I'll take the thing up somehow," said Dorothy dermes; "you shan't be dragged and worried to death, you dear, brave little girl. Give me a kiss, Effie, and go138 back to your work. Between Mr. Lawson and me, we will pull you through this trouble, see if we don't!"

"Do you know Mr. Lawson, Dorothy?"

"Know him! Of course I do. He is one of the very nicest fellows here—as good as gold and as steady as a rock, and with such a beautiful enthusiasm for his profession—he'll make a splendid doctor by and by. Yes, Effie, don't mistake me: it is not the man I object to, it is the fact that he is a medical student, and that you are a nurse. So many bad things have been said about nurses and medical students that all nurses worthy of the name have to make up their minds to show the world that they can and will nurse without even the thought of flirtation coming into their head."

1 条评论:

  1. 小學就補習?會唔會搞到我個小朋友冇咗個快樂童年架?我會唔會比人話係虎爸虎媽架?相信好多計劃緊比唔比小朋友讀補習班嘅爸爸媽媽都有以上嘅苦惱。各位小學生家長們唔使咁緊張住。除咗電視節目有好多種之外,其實小學補習嘅類型仲有選擇都有好多種架。初小同埋高小嘅需求各有不同。今次我哋FlowCLass就為各位望子成材嘅家長分析下小學補習到底有咩選擇。想知多啲嘅就千祈唔好行開啦。補習免中介

    小一小二:適應小學生活 搵補習
    初小,特別係小一嘅小朋友比起學業需要,更逼切嘅係適應小學生活。因此,學校嘅功課輔導班就非常適合小一小二嘅小朋友啦。學校功課輔導班通常都會係放學後舉行。係課後時間通常會由外聘嘅導師督促仔仔囡囡做功課,做完功課後亦會安排佢哋溫書或者比extra嘅練習佢地做。課堂入面嘅同學通常都係同級生,或者係相近年紀嘅學生,一來方便導師上堂,二來小朋友亦都有機會係輔導班認識新朋友仔,學識點樣同同齡人,仲有其他年紀嘅同學相處同溝通。除此之外,媽媽們亦絕對唔使擔心安全問題或交通問題,因為輔導班期間,仔仔囡囡只會留校上堂,十分安全。搵補習 補習老師補習社

    點解話小三小四係打好語文根基嘅黃金時期呢? 相比起小一小二學生,小三小四嘅小朋友應該已經完全適應小學嘅生活。而佢哋嘅學業同功課workload又無小五小六要考呈分試咁大,因此,小三小四嘅學生可以因應需要,利用課餘嘅空檔時間報讀語文科目,或者數理嘅課程,打好語文數理根基。唔好覺得呢啲教育中心會好chur咁逼小朋友背唐詩一百首,乘數表等等,其實好多教育中心都追求愉快學習,提供聽說讀寫多方面嘅活動式教學比小朋友聽睇故事,睇影片,及與老師嘅會話中學到唔同嘅成語、俚語、寫作手法、說話技巧等等。務求令小朋友係不知不覺間打好語文基礎,為提升語文實力同日後嘅學習做好萬二分準備。

    來到家長最緊張嘅小五小六呈分試學業衝刺期,一間幫到手嘅補習社真係好重要。而實際上,過半數針對小學補習嘅補習社都係以補全科嘅方式運行。比起重點提升學生嘅學習水平,有啲小學全科補習社追求嘅係幫學生完成晒學校嘅功課同應付日常默書測驗,所以家長係報讀小組補習班之前要先留意補習社嘅辦學宗旨,有需要亦都可以同其他家長交流下心得同埋情報。而另一方面,唔少小組補習社都會推出二人同行嘅優惠,如果真係睇啱嘅不妨問下其他家長佢哋嘅仔仔囡囡有冇興趣同需要一齊補習,咁就winwin雙贏啦。除此之外,唔少區內嘅人係補習社都會保留過往學生嘅考試卷,所以係補習社上堂好有可能可以做到區內學校老師跟5年嘅past paper,有時更加可以係唔同年份嘅paper中推敲出今年嘅題型同埋題。


